"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

10 December 2017

Hanukah Message from Meir Yisroel

23 Kislev 5778


And if you clicked directly to this post, don't miss the new one preceding this one...

Hanukah: The Holiday That Celebrates "Extremism"


  1. Not sure what you mean - are there two from the Dani website?

  2. I had a Shabbat guest, an Israeli, recently. She told me that Israel is becoming more religious. Even Tel Aviv, apparently, has many people walking around on Shabbos, and whole families, who used to do whatever on Shabbos are now acting a lot more Shabbosdich. It is a helpless feeling to see all this WW3 stuff coming at us and not able to help our friends to do teshuva in a meaningful way for the most part. But I wanted to pass this along as a spot of good news. Perhaps the rabbis who specialize in kiruv are making headway in Tel Aviv and places like that. Perhaps more of our Jewish brothers and sisters will be OK. I hope everybody remembers that true service of Hashem is not very difficult for Jews. Indeed it is close to us. May Hashem bless the Jewish people with peace.
