"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

21 June 2017

Witness the Future of Israel

27 Sivan 5777

Introducing the Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries (FIRM)...

‘Historic’ Israel Summit Launches FIRM Ministry
With high-profile Christian speakers from the United States and Jerusalem, a sold-out Israel Summit Conference drew 1,700 Bible-believing supporters to Colorado this week while launching a ministry that organizers predict will grow into a global solidarity movement of Jews and non-Jews.
Israel-loving Christians and Messianic believers from the United States, Brazil, Pakistan, Sweden, Australia and India filled Resurrection Fellowship Church's worship auditorium in Loveland as FIRM, the Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries, launched. A global online audience also joined the conference.
FIRM formed in 2014 with 20 Christian leaders signing on as board members under the leadership of Jerusalem-based pastor Wayne Hilsden. He, current Resurrection Fellowship Senior Pastor Jonathan Wiggins and Resurrection Fellowship's former pastor, John Stocker, forged friendships around Israel and the congregation Hilsden leads, King of Kings Community in Jerusalem.
Hilsden introduced the new ministry on the opening night of the Loveland conference, calling the summit "historic." Wiggins and other leaders echoed the sentiment, saying FIRM's formation and plans represent "history in the making."
"FIRM," Hilsden said, "is a global fellowship of biblically grounded believers committed to cultivating Messiah-centered relationships to bless the inhabitants of Israel (Jew and non-Jew) and the Jewish community worldwide."
[Continues HERE.]

On June 13, 2017, FIRM held a big conference in Binyan Klal in Jerusalem. This huge building in the center of Jerusalem has been taken over bit by bit until it is now almost all messianic-controlled with even a church on site.

The "Vision" of Messianic KoK

"King of Kings Community is called to be a compelling, Messiah-centered, Spirit-empowered, disciple-making [i.e. missionary] community revealing the true face of Yeshua (Jesus) to Israel and the nations."

In response to this missionary conference, a brave band of Jewish youth gathered there to protest. This is the future of Israel. Each one of them is my hero. These are the souls who will greet Mashiach!

The video was posted to Facebook by so-called Messianic "Rabbi" Joel Liberman who says: 
"Young ultra-orthodox who felt the need to protest at the FIRM (Fellowship of Israel Related Ministries) conference tonight in Jerusalem. Shouts of 'meshumed' (traitor) towards the Messianic Jews in attendance brought sadness to my heart, but reinvigorated my spirit to pray as Sha'ul did for 'all Israel' to meet Messiah, Yeshua and experience eternal and abundant life!"
He can be seen HERE laying tefillin, knowing he is either an apostate from Judaism or not a Jew at all as he says he was raised in a "Messianic home", i.e. his parents were already xians. Sick!

Those "young ultra-orthodox" Jews have a wonderful future along with the rest of Klal Yisrael, but this "meshumed" has nothing - not in this world and not in the World to Come.


  1. Thanks to the Erev Rav who are doing their 'job well', r'l, in uniting Esav/Yishmael and uniting with them to undo Torah/Judaism. Those 'Jews' following them will have the same mapala as these perpetrators of the greatest sin of missionizing and trying to bring Jews to idolatry. As you say, this meshumed & his ilk have nothing, not in this olam and not in the furure world, Olam Habah.


  2. Gosh, this is truly w.e.i.r.d! And here in Yerushalayim! Binyan Klal … now a missionary center . . . ! Or an invasion by ISIS. OR a fait accompli Peace Deal of the Century? Will this provoke an earthquake?
