"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

08 March 2017

The Bridge Between Jews and Christians

11 Adar 5777

"In each and every generation they rise up against us to destroy us."

In this generation, however, our enemies are joining forces to finish us from this world. And there are Jews who are offering them every assistance and inroad; who are building bridges for the invading hordes.
...the Erev Rav are brazen, which means that they won't accept any suggestion that they are doing anything wrong, and they will justify their evil deeds with any amount of lies, evasion, intimidation and other manipulative behaviours.
...If we don't actively fight against their evil influence and ideas, then we end up helping them, and the Vilna Gaon tells us it would then have been better for us if we hadn't been born in the first place.
...Rabbi Simcha Issaschar Ber Halberstam, the Divre Simcha, explains that even the 'good' that the Erev Rav do has to be rejected.
Rav Halberstam is teaching us that prior to Moshiach coming, one of our main jobs will be to split off from, and reject, the Erev Rav, even if they are apparently doing 'good' things.
In particular, the Erev Rav are obsessed with 'making peace' at any price, and will bully others mercilessly to get them to acquiesce to their plans.
And "making peace" does not just refer to deals to trade land for 'peace' with the Arabs, but even more perniciously to make 'peace' with Christianity!

Jews "Partnering" With Christians in Our Holy Land

Some highlights...
  • Accommodations and meals will be offered at the HaYovel "campus" on Har Brachah.
  • Sunrise on Har Kabir in Elon Moreh.
  • Itamar with Batya Sela.
  • Shabbat with Jeremy Gimpel and "Friends".
  • Torah teaching with Avraham Hermon.
  • "Volunteering" at the farm with Gimpel and Abramowitz.
  • Touring with Yossi Maimon.
  • Shiloh with David Rubin.
  • "All-night Bible study" with Ari Abramowitz and "friends".
  • Lars Enarson participating from Jerusalem.
  • Hebron with Israel Chaiken.
  • Chocolate Factory with Joe Zander.
  • Shomron Speaker: Ezra Yakhin (Elnakam)
  • Shechem Overlook with Nir Lavi.
[If you know or have any influence with any of the names listed by HaYovel, do them a favor and warn them about what they are involved with.]

Prophecy in the News Conference with Breaking Israel News. (Tuly Weisz)
Torah study with Yeshiva for the Nations. (Tuly Weisz)
Volunteer at Jerusalem area Soup Kitchen with Israel 365.(Tuly Weisz)
Event for Holocaust Survivors with Israel365 and Return Ministries.(Tuly Weisz)
("Return Ministries encourages Jews and Christians to work together to fulfill God's plans and purposes for Israel and the nations according to the Word of God.")

Tuly Weisz seems to want to be the primary shadchan between the Christians and the Jews.

Who Is Tuly Weisz?
"Rabbi Naphtali “Tuly” Weisz is the publisher of Breaking Israel News. He attended Yeshiva University (BA), Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (Rabbinic Ordination) and the Benjamin Cardozo School of Law (JD) and served as the Rabbi of the Beth Jacob Congregation in Columbus, Ohio." 

His Yeshiva for the Nations in Beit Shemesh claims it "is an Orthodox institution, governed in accordance with Jewish law. All course offerings, both on-line and residential, are taught by Orthodox Jews from Israel" offering "authentic Jewish education to students who are not Jewish."

Under "Staff" we see...

Rabbi Elan Adler
Rabbi Shimon Apisdorf
Rabbi Yishai Fleisher
Rabbi Moshe Lichtman
Sharon Niv

Dr. Rivkah Lambert Adler, Academic Dean
Donna Jollay, Co-Founder
Rabbi Tuly Weisz, Co-Founder

Despite 3500 years of Jewish history and scholarship in which it was forbidden to teach Torah to non-Jews and it was forbidden to foster interfaith relations, suddenly an entire swathe of Anglo Jewry in Eretz Yisrael has taken it upon themselves to throw it all out in the name of all of us.

And these are not even righteous non-Jews we are talking about, but professing, believing Christians.
Who Is Donna Jollay?

"Donna is a hi-tech entrepreneur, philanthropist, and most dear to her heart, a deeply committed Christian Zionist. ...Donna has dedicated her life to bridging the Christian and Jewish communities."

So she is Co-Founder with Tuly Weisz of the Yeshiva for the Nations and a reporter for Breaking Israel News and her facebook page says she is also Director of Christian Relations at Israel365. That means she is involved at a very high level with all of Tuly Weisz's interfaith projects.
On Mt. Zion, Jews and Christians Unite By Abra Forman
...Rabbi Tuly Weisz met with a group of American college students visiting Israel with the Christian organization Eagles’ Wings on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. 
...Rabbi Weisz spoke to the group at the historical building of the Diaspora Yeshiva, established on Mt. Zion in 1966 by Rabbi Mordechai Goldstein, who came to Jerusalem from America with 200 of his students. His son, Rabbi Yitzchak Goldstein, who is deeply involved in running the yeshiva, also addressed the group.
Mt. Zion is the only place in the world that accepts all three religions – Jews, Muslims and Christians,” said Rabbi Goldstein. “On this one hill, there’s a synagogue, a church and a mosque. Everyone is welcome.”
...Joining the group was prominent Christian Zionist Donna Jollay, who shared a teaching....
Working with Christian activists and organizations like Eagles’ Wings, the Yeshiva of the Nations will offer opportunities in Israel for Christians who want to learn more about their religion and how it connects to the Holy Land.
 "...prior to Moshiach coming, one of our main jobs will be to split off from, and reject, the Erev Rav,...." Those who want to mix Jews with non-Jews and bring them and their Christian tumah into our Holy Land. 

This is no less than the One-World Religion of the Pope!